Herbicides used by caltrans include but are not limited to:
Caltrans records for broadcast spraying on SMC Hwys. 84, 35, 92, 1 & 280:
In 2017, we (POW) made a Request for Public Records to Caltrans for vegetation management herbicide spraying on San Mateo County highways 1, 92, 35, 84, and 280. The records show that spraying was being done in January, February, March, April, June, July, August, and September. We requested the time frame from 01/01/16 - 05/19/17.
The records will show that thousands of gallons of toxic herbicides were sprayed by Caltrans along our roadways during this time frame of 01/01/16 - 05/19/17. Consider the impacts of this occurring for decades, as it has and as it continues. See below for instructions on "How to Read the Records":
For 84
For 35
For 92
For 1
For 280
At the top of the Records, you will see abbreviations and here are examples for how to read them :
As you can see, thousands of gallons of toxic herbicides were sprayed by Caltrans along our roadways during this time frame of 1/1/16--5/19/17. Consider the impacts of this occurring for decades, as it has and as it continues.